Historic Preservation Tax Credits
Purpose: To encourage the protection, preservation, and continued use of Missouri's diverse range of historic architectural resources.
Programs: Two historic preservation tax credit programs are available for historic properties rehabilitated in Missouri in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Many rehab projects are eligible for both programs, which may be combined:
Federal Historic Tax Credit Program: for certified historic structures being rehabbed as income-generating properties; administered by the National Park Service and the Internal Revenue Service, in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Office.
Missouri State Historic Tax Credit Program: for certified historic structures; administered by the Department of Economic Development, in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Office.
For more information about Historic Preservation Tax Credits, please contact the Architectural Preservation Services unit of the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office at (573) 751-7860 or mostateparks.com/historic-preservation-tax=credits.
There is also more information available via the links below.